Monday, July 16, 2012

My version of Rants and Raves

Why is he standing in the road?

Movie set

Why is this so har
I see this for the most part, only in Savannah. Adults standing/walking in the street. I don't get it. This man is in the street of a busy intersection. The police don't seem to care. Cars were beeping horns and a tractor trailer, too. Had no effect. Just like the chicken (why did he cross the road?), once he finally meandered over to the other side of the street, he stood looking longingly at the side he just left. Then, again once the light turned Green, he walked into the intersection again.
Another thing I don't get is putting shoes away.Bill leaves his sneakers/sandals at such an angle that when one walks from the kitchen to the back door or to toss trash, it is easy to trip over his big shoes. Why can't they be put under the bench?

Then, Rachel has left these sandals in the bathroom for more than a week. I tripped over them in the middle of the bathroom floor. I put them here beside the sink and have asked her at least 5 times to pick them up.. Nothing..

Finally, I was uptown on Friday afternoon and saw they were still shooting some scenes for the movie CBGB. It was a night club in NYC. Part of the movie is being filmed here but Savannah is not "per se" in the movie. It is being shot here because it is cheaper than NYC...

Rachel's shoes

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