Saturday, December 31, 2011

Saturday December 31 2011

Unfortunately, it is warm out this December 31st, so the scumbags are all out there. I watched 2 guys at Dirty South Records take pistols out of their pants and shoot them in the air. Then they ran around picking up the shell casings. Nice. As soon as they fired, then someone fired at the BP station and then someone else either in the 400 block of 35th or 36th streets. It was unreal. Bill called 9-1-1 at 9 PM. I called around 10:30. The police have been running around like crazy here. Bill and I are NOT going out. We will stay in and hunker down...I did get some of this on video including Hiyah coming out to see who was doing the shooting. Probably his old lady sent him out... He didn't hang out with them. Guess he is smart enough to know that it isn't a good place to be standing.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Friday December 30 2011

It looks so festive on Broughton

Hiyah and a friend hang
The other morning I took this picture of Broughton Street. It looked so festive with the trees lit up and the garlands across the street.
This morning, Hiyah was just hanging with the guys. I guess there is no work to do?
It was almost noon by the time I was able to get Rachel up and get her and the car to Pep Boys for brakes. The damn thing is metal on metal. She has to be at work at 4 today, so it is a matter of a rush job. She did ask for tomorrow off, and so I'm sure she is planning on partying. She better not be drinking and driving. That is a dead end.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Thursday December 29 2011

Well, Rachel finally got her i-phone today. From the time I took it out of the box until it was hooked up to Verizon, was only about 10 minutes. Pretty good. Last night, I heard back from the guy that sold me the other i phone that can't be turned on. Jerk. Said he was sorry and he was out of town and that was why he didn't get all my messages until yesterday. Didn't have a real good reason for the phone not working. Anyways, I'll be sending that one back...
Rachel was suppose to be off work today but switched with someone so she could get a few hours (and bucks). The shift was noon to 4. I dropped the phone off to her at work around 1:30. By 5, she still wasn't home. I called her and she said she was still working! She came in just after 9 PM. Said she worked 9 hours (in a ROW)!!! WOW!!! She came in with a bag from Outback (where she works). She ate something, got changed, and was out the door again in record time. Her buddy Jill is back in town after spending most of the school vacation in San Diego. I probably won't see her tonight...

Monday, December 26, 2011

Boxing Day 2011

No, that doesn't mean we are watching a boxing match, Boxing Day is a bank holiday and day servants got presents in Great Britain. Last night again, I heard gun shots at 11:00 PM. I don't know what is going on out there. I had just come in from walking the dogs and I didn't see a soul out there.

I went to WalMart this morning to pick up some pictures that I ordered online. I had thought the place was going to be mobbed, but it wasn't.  But, that was a double edged sword, as it meant there were not many associates working either. I went to the Photo Lab in the back of the store. I went to the kiosk that rings up electronics purchases and asked the associate, where do I pick up prints ordered online. She pointed to the back wall next to the rest rooms. I went to the register and no one was there. I waited a minute or two. Then I went back and asked if the woman could call someone to help me as there was no one in photo. She said she would. I went back and waited, and waited. I heard no announcement.
I went back to the other woman who was now on the register. I asked if the first associate had called for someone to assist me in photo pickup. She didn't know. So... I told her, do you mind if I make my own announcement? She looked a little shocked. I then took a deep breath and said "Attention, I am in the photo department and I need assistance."  3 management people came hustling back to help me. I was told that my voice carried all the way to the front of the store from the back wall. I was so proud. I was out of there in seconds flat with my pictures. Rachel would have died of embarrassment...

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Eve cont. and Christmas Day 2011

Somebody's going to JAIL
I had thought it was going to be Silent Night for Christmas Eve, but no such luck. There was a lot of racket on the corner and I looked outside to see 4 cruisers and a paddy wagon (Prisoner Transport). Somebody's Christmas just got wrecked.
At 12:30 AM, we heard 2 gunshots. No police sirens, no ambulances. Just another NOT so Silent Night.

Christmas Morning. Awww, Doesn't Hiyah look festive with his beer and friends on Christmas Day!

Hiyah in Red and White

What a terrible gift
WOW, I ordered this I-Phone 4 on Ebay for Rachel. The scumbag that sold it said it could be hooked up to Verizon, no problem. What a liar and probably a thief. The original owner hasn't de-authorized the phone, so it can't be turned on. Nice. She got an Otter Box (cover for the I-Phone), a clip to put the phone on a vent in her car so she can talk without holding the phone, headphones and speakers for the phone and an I-Phone alarm clock dock for Christmas. AND A NON-WORKING I-PHONE. I called up Ebay and PayPal, the seller has had his phone disconnected. NICE.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve, 2011

First thing in the morning
What is going on?

What ?
 Well, it has started off very interestingly this morning. I walked out side to be greeted by 3 police cars in front of and beside David's Crabs. Not sure what the problem was but at least one officer was talking to someone across the street. Around 2 PM, I heard a loud bang. Ran out to see 2 cars stopped on Montgomery Street in the travel lane in front of Dirty South Records. One had the horn beeping over and over again. A crowd was gathering and then the police showed up. Montgomery Street was blocked off by the police for about an hour. Hmmm. On Broughton Street, the Hot Doggery got their alcohol license... Whoppee! Free Beer!

NO, you would not see this in Mass.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Tuesday December 20 2011

hit n run
Remember the hit 'n run from Friday night, well we didn't notice right away, but Rachel's car was hit. She was parked the wrong way on 35th Street Friday night. The white paint and the dents in the fender are from the white PT cruiser.... I'll have to call the police. As for the possible additional damage to the driver's door, No Rachel, that dent has been there. I matched it up with the photo.
OK, now be prepared for a BIG laugh... Several months ago, Rachel broke the inside door handle on the driver's door. She believes she can superglue it back together. She asked her friend Steven for some superglue. Then, she lost the superglue. Now be prepared, this is the funny part.... She found the superglue yesterday. It was in the back pocket of the pants she was wearing... It broke. Her pants were SUPERGLUED to her ass!!! Ha Ha Ha!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Monday December 19 2011

Sunday morning trash

Sunday, no scumbags!

trash in front of my house
On Sunday morning, I went out and saw a bunch of trash in front of my house and all the way to the corner. Poor old Hiyah was really busy sweeping it all up. Savannah decided to start Sunday liquor sales on this Sunday instead of waiting until after the first of the year. I guess the scumbags didn't read the paper, 'cause no one was out there drinking!
Rachel called me at 6 PM. She thinks someone has hit her driver's side door again. I'll have to wait until tomorrow to see if it looks any different.  I looked at it at 7 PM when she came home, but I couldn't tell if there is any additional damage...

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Saturday December 17 2011

Well last night was another typical Friday crack and crabs night along with a Crash! It was quite busy out there, with cars and people hanging on the corners. Then about 6 pm, I heard a crash and tires squealing. I ran to look outside in time to see a PT Cruiser (off white), fish tailing down w. 35th and take a right on to Jefferson. Then I looked at the crowd of people and sure enough, the P T Cruiser had hit a truck on the corner. I didn't get the license plate but I heard someone say they did. Still, I doubt they catch the jerk. Too bad the police didn't have one of those cameras installed at the intersection. Oh well....Then, it turns out, Rachel's car had been hit. Damn. It doesn't look too bad.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Thursday December 15 2011

Work Hiyah Work

Do you see what I see? Do you see what I see?
It's Hiyah, it's Hiyah, working for his pay, they will give him silver and gold... they will give him ...silver and gold!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Tuesday December 13 2011

Cracked sidewalk
This morning when Chip and I were walking down the street, I noticed  the sidewalk was very much broken at the corner of Jefferson Street. It looks like somebody drove over the corner. The concrete actually moved under my feet (the triangle). It was a little unnerving since there is a large sewer drain right there. I called 3-1-1, the city number to report problems. Let's hope it will be fixed soon.
Also, I reported all the damn TRASH that is piled up in the alley. Someone appears to be cleaning out a house on 34th Street and has put all the stuff in the alley instead of paying for a dumpster. This stuff is now starting to creep into the roadway making it difficult for cars or Bill's big truck, to get down there.

What a bunch of crap

Monday, December 12, 2011

Monday December 12 2011

Rachel came in and said the Brake Light on the dash is on. And the brakes are making noises. How wonderful. Told her she needs to save some money, it will costs hundreds to fix the brakes. She still owes the mechanic $75 for the other repairs that he did. She said she is saving money for Christmas presents. Since she didn't even give me a frigging card for my birthday, I'm sure I won't be getting a gift.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Wednesday December 7 2011

Just take up the whole road

I went to get something for the dogs and when I came back home, the whole intersection at 35th and Montgomery was blocked. This big SUV is parked on the wrong side of the road, the silver car is parked in the middle of the street, and the black car across the street has its doors open. When I took out the phone and took a picture, they scattered like RATS. Hmmm.
I took the dogs for a walk around 2, and saw 3 men rummaging through a dumpster and walking on the porch of a condemned house on 36th street. One of them actually took a chair off the porch and was walking away.  That was strange.
Now, at 4:30 PM, these 2 young girls showed up and end up on the porch of the rooming house. The white guy that hangs over there occasionally (and is usually VERY drunk) is now driving this fairly new Toyota Versa parked in front of my house. He was putting his arms around the 2 girls. This is all very suspicious.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Sunday December 4 2011

cake tossing
 Why would someone buy a cake and then toss it on the ground in front of a vacant house? I can't understand this for the life of me. There are also several beer bottles and a few little nips on the empty lot on West 36th Street. This is such a nice looking street. It is too bad about the scum that likes to hang here.
This morning I saw a hawk sitting on the telephone pole in front of our house. He sat there a good 5 minutes. Maybe he smells death nearby. Hope, hope.
Early Saturday, around 2 AM, I heard at least 5 gunshots. I looked outside but saw nothing. A few minutes later I heard sirens. They did not seem to be stopping near here. Guess people were just working things out.
OH, and Friday night Rachel called me on the way home from work. "You know how that thing on the dash that has H and C is usually in the middle? Well it is all the way in the .... (holding my breath as she paused) Cold."  Oh thank GOD! Yes Rachel, that is to be expected when it is COLD outside...
Big bird

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Thursday December 1 2011

Hiyah and friends in the cold
Bit nippy out there this morning. Around 40+/- degrees first thing this morning, but Hiyah and company are tough.
What I can't understand is what are grown men doing hanging out on a street corner at 8:30 AM? Shouldn't they be working, or looking for work? I realize the economy is tough but still. All these guys just hanging. It's ridiculous, don't ya think?