Sunday, January 28, 2018

Criminal Subaru?

WTF? this morning I go out and there is a MF parking ticket on my car. For parking facing the wrong way. Are you shitting me? I come home yesterday after a day of Uber driving for minimum wage or less, to find the fucking neighbor's car is still parked in front of my house. it is UNREGISTERED. Oh, but let's give the Subaru a ticket for facing the wrong way. Last Monday I came home and 2 cop cars go flying by my house.. a shooting 2 blocks away.. Saturday morning at 2 am, 3 blocks in a different direction, a shooting.. but let's give a fucking ticket to the Subaru.. The other spot in front of my house, that was somebody buying drugs at the rooming house across the street. I mean, the dealer has a change over every 5-15 mins, but I didn't feel like sitting there waiting. I mean that might look suspicious. And God forbid we interfere in the dealer's ability to make a living. You know he is probably making even less money than me, what with being on call 24 hours a day. Really? yes, people get there 5 or 6 am, yelling- HEY. HEY. let me in. But let's target the Subaru- the nerve of me to face the wrong way. 11 years we have lived here. never got a ticket for parking on the street when the street sweeper came Friday on my side and Saturday across the street. this past month it got changed over to Monday and Thursday's. So, I guess these MF parking Nazi's have nothing else to do on Saturday nights but drive around neighborhoods and target honest citizens. I mean, was the Subaru really hurting anyone? Did it upset the balance of fucking nature? what about the MF parked in front of the hydrants? No ticket. Yeah. right. the Subaru is the fucking criminal here.