Wednesday, July 19, 2017

End of Days Part I

I tried posting this earlier but it disappeared. Not sure WTF. I have visions. Not good stuff. usually the visions suck. I've tried as hard as I can to make happy thoughts invade my psyche so that I could perhaps get some nice visions. Never effing happens. I was watching 60 minutes on Sunday, about the Artificial Intelligence, and it hit me. the future SUX. It is worse than most of us can imagine.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Beggin Strips from Kroger, Savannah

Chip: Does that even make sense? 1 bag of Beggin strips for $2.99. 2 bags of Begging strips, 2 for $6. Louise: I want 2. Chip: Ah, greyhound, are you paying attention? If you buy 2,it actually costs 2 cents more. Louise: Yeah, 2 that's what I want. Chip: Well, I know they are only getting 1. We will have to share the bag. Louise: Labs. they have all the answers. Just give me my Beggin strips NOW. Chip and Louise give Beggin Strips 2 Paws UPπŸ‘πŸΆπŸ‘