Friday, October 21, 2011

October 21 2011

Tire from Rachel's car
Look again. Yes, that is a tire from Rachel's car. It is beat to hell. On the way to school- about 500 feet from the house- she calls and says the tire is flat. I walk over to where she is at and oh, yeah, it was flat. The tire was actually pulled away from the wheel. I told Rachel to go back to the house and get Bill to help her change the tire. There is grease all over the inside of the wheel, too. Likely, she also broke the axle on the front. This wheel is bent all to hell. Don't know if the tire shop can fix it. Waiting to hear now.
Oh, and let's not forget yesterday. At 5:45 I called her to find out where she was. She had to be at work at 6:15 and still needed to eat. She finally answered after I called about 6 times. She was on Victory Drive, " you know how the light that says Check Engine is always on, well, now the oil light is flashing on". OMG, that kid is going to drive me insane. I told her to get home now. When she got home, I checked the dipstick (the oil, not Rachel). There was 1, I repeat, ONE DROP of oil on the stick! Bill had a 1/2 quart in the shed so I put that in. I ran out to the store and picked up another quart and that made it full. It is saying something that this car is holding up under the child's abuse. I mean, it is still running!

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