Monday, August 20, 2012

Still have no money, this sucks

I submitted a bill on Wednesday for my pay from the lawyers' office in Florida. I was told a rush would be put on it. I waited by the mailbox on Friday, nothing. Saturday, nothing. So I sent an e-mail to the person that hired me. He says that if I have a bank that has a local branch in Florida, maybe they could direct deposit the money. I void a check, scan it and send it.
This morning I get an e-mail... Couldn't process my invoice because my zip code wasn't on it. What kind of s**t is that? I'm pissed. When was I going to be told about the missing zip code? Did you ever hear of I use it whenever I need a zip code. Looky here. I entered the street address and Shazam! the USPS gives me the complete zip!

You entered:

Here's the full address, using standard abbreviations and formatting...
314 W 35TH ST
SAVANNAH GA 31401-8009
Forgot to mention this the other day, Bill heard a gun shot around 4am. Bill was talking to our insomniac neighbor later the same day while walking Chip. Neighbor said he was on his second floor porch at 4 when he observed a guy walking down our street, lifting up door handles on cars. Neighbor ( I'm not mentioning names to protect the innocent...) slipped downstairs and shot his pistol into the ground. A-hole took off screaming like a little baby! 

1 comment:

  1. LOL on the guy that left screaming like a little girl... Great neighbor to have!!!
