Thursday, November 29, 2012

Tumultuous week

It has been a one of those weeks. On Monday evening, my mother was hit by a car while walking her dogs. On Tuesday (by the way, that was my birthday) she had surgery to repair her broken pelvis and shattered knee. Today, I believe she is having surgery on her TWO broken arms. Then, next week she will have surgery on her broken leg. Damn. After the flight by helicopter, I guess she can write that off her bucket list...
Peg being Air Lifted to Hospital

2 weeks ago, I came down with some god-awful stomach virus. I went to the VA and got a note to stay out of  school on 11/19. So that was the day my literature teacher gave out the assignment for us to complete a Powerpoint that we will present next Monday (Dec 3rd) in front of the class. When I went back to school the day before Thanksgiving, she handed me the rubric stating what the requirements were for the assignment. I worked on mine over the next week and last night went to class with mine nearly done. Half way through class, she said that it could NOT be on the author we had previously written out term paper on. WTF? She never stated that to me before. What an asshole. Now I have to research another author. I am PISSED. I will definitely slam her on my review....She is such a little bitch. She and I butted heads the very first night of class when I looked at the syllabus and saw we had to read Flannery O'Conner, an angry woman from Savannah (she had some terminal disease and died in her early 40's, I believe). Turns out, this teacher LOVES her and did her master's thesis on O'Conner. I told her that I refuse to read another word that angry bitch wrote. That was that. I don't see me getting an A in that class. Ha Ha...

"It is the studying that you do after your school days that really counts. Otherwise, you know only that which everyone else knows."
-- Henry Doherty

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