Monday, February 4, 2013

What is happening to Rachel

Rachel called me all angry. She had gone to see her mother at the hotel. Kristel had squeezed her size 16 ass into Rachel's size small yoga pants. Hmmm. Rachel was pissed. Then, she took her to the Parker's gas station/mini-mart. Kristel got a coffee and some cookies. She then spilled the coffee on Rachel's yoga pants and seat and dropped cookies on the floor and ground them into the carpet. Rachel said she yelled at Kristel because SHE is the one who will have to clean up the car. Wow. Like Deja vu, I can remember Rachel spilling drinks in my new Subaru and grinding stuff into my carpets. What goes around comes around...I guess she is growing up some, too.
"The ability to communicate with everybody, regardless of who are you are, is a great thing."
-- Bobby Bonilla, Baseball Player 
Watched most of the SuperBowl last night. Not pleased that the Ravens won. Didn't like the half time show. The show was a little too T & A. Something that teenage boys would thoroughly enjoy. The blackout was an interesting touch. SF almost came back to win after that. Oh well.

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