Thursday, November 29, 2012

Tumultuous week

It has been a one of those weeks. On Monday evening, my mother was hit by a car while walking her dogs. On Tuesday (by the way, that was my birthday) she had surgery to repair her broken pelvis and shattered knee. Today, I believe she is having surgery on her TWO broken arms. Then, next week she will have surgery on her broken leg. Damn. After the flight by helicopter, I guess she can write that off her bucket list...
Peg being Air Lifted to Hospital

2 weeks ago, I came down with some god-awful stomach virus. I went to the VA and got a note to stay out of  school on 11/19. So that was the day my literature teacher gave out the assignment for us to complete a Powerpoint that we will present next Monday (Dec 3rd) in front of the class. When I went back to school the day before Thanksgiving, she handed me the rubric stating what the requirements were for the assignment. I worked on mine over the next week and last night went to class with mine nearly done. Half way through class, she said that it could NOT be on the author we had previously written out term paper on. WTF? She never stated that to me before. What an asshole. Now I have to research another author. I am PISSED. I will definitely slam her on my review....She is such a little bitch. She and I butted heads the very first night of class when I looked at the syllabus and saw we had to read Flannery O'Conner, an angry woman from Savannah (she had some terminal disease and died in her early 40's, I believe). Turns out, this teacher LOVES her and did her master's thesis on O'Conner. I told her that I refuse to read another word that angry bitch wrote. That was that. I don't see me getting an A in that class. Ha Ha...

"It is the studying that you do after your school days that really counts. Otherwise, you know only that which everyone else knows."
-- Henry Doherty

Friday, November 23, 2012

Patriots 49 Jets 19

Stop me when you've heard this before... The Jets just fumbled. (#4)

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The day before Thanksgiving

"A major stimulant to creative thinking is focused questions. There is something about a well-worded question that often penetrates to the heart of the matter and triggers new ideas and insights."
-- Brian Tracy, Author 
Not much happening. I have class tonight. Finished my paper on Thoreau and Civil Disobedience. Not my best work but not too bad either.  I do believe we need to start a revolution and civil disobedience is a good way to start. This country is not in a good place. Weak leadership is keeping the country involved in wars we have no need to be involved in as well as forcing the American people to support a new health care system while not providing funding for it (which was passed by people that didn't read it and who don't have to pay for it because Congress get free healthcare for life...) and calling it a TAX, this is beyond ridiculous. This country is now no better off than a third world nation.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Ah, the new normal

Over five thousand years ago, Moses said to the children of Israel , "Pick up your shovels, mount your asses and camels, and I will lead you to the Promised Land."

Nearly 75 years ago, (when Welfare was introduced) Roosevelt said, "Lay down your shovels, sit on your asses, and light up a Camel, this is the Promised Land."

Today, Congress has stolen your shovel, taxed your asses, raised the price of Camels and mortgaged the Promised Land!

I was so depressed last night thinking about Health Care Plans, the economy, the wars, lost jobs, savings, Social Security, retirement funds, etc ....

I called a Suicide Hotline.

I had to press 1 for English.

I was connected to a call center in Pakistan ..I told them I was suicidal.

They got excited and asked if I could drive a truck......

Folks, we're screwed

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Interesting note on the news today

Heard on the news that many states are planning on seceding from the United States. Wow! We are living in historic times. Obama and his policies have polarized this country and now we have proof.

"I quietly declare war with the State, after my fashion, though I will still make what use and get what advantage of her I can, as is usual in such cases."
Henry David Thoreau 1848

"I was taught to strive not because there were any guarantees of success, but because the act of striving is in itself the only way to keep faith with life."
-- Madeleine Albright, secretary of state

"Nurture your mind with great thoughts for you will never go any higher than you think."
-- Benjamin Disraeli, 1st Earl of Beaconsfield

Sunday, November 11, 2012


Friday night, Rachel took the Honda and drove with 3 friends to a concert in Columbia SC (that's 300 miles round trip!). Surprise, it made it with no problems. Cost $55 in gas but that's not bad since it was split between the 4 girls. I'm grateful I didn't get a call in the middle of the night!

I'm pleased, I have no school tomorrow. Gives me plenty of time to do my homework. Rachel is not happy as Chatham county has school.. Ha Ha.

Oh Boy! the Patriots won today. Another heart stopper. They were ahead by like 14 points at half time. Then in the last 2 minutes, they were only ahead by 6 and the Bills had the ball and were closing in on the goal line. Good thing it wasn't on TV. I would have walked out of the room yelling at Belicheck and Brady! But, the Pats managed to save it with an interception in the end zone. Whew!

I didn't watch the Falcons, but they finally lost today. They were 8-0 for the season. Pretty remarkable. This could be their year...Still not going to a Falcons fan, just saying that they are having a good run of it.

The other day I saw a real piece of sh*t car on Bay Street (had Chatham County tag). A 4 door Toyota that had been hit in the front, had no hood, had been hit on the passenger side and the 2 side doors were tied closed together with a rope, had been hit in the rear and had a GREEN bungee cord holding the trunk closed (like Rachel's car used to have!). Wow! There was a bumper sticker on it that said "Never Settle". (?)

Friday, November 9, 2012


True then, true today
Well, got a check from the attorney's office for work performed. Check was late. And, when I went to the bank, guess what? Bounced again. WTF?
I had to call the office and 2 hours later the money was transferred into the account. What kind of way is that to do business? I haven't been called to meet with any clients lately even though they gave me paperwork for a different attorney out of Atlanta.

Still haven't sold the I phone. Every time I renew it on Craigslist, I get e-mails that say, still available? Then either nothing or the scam- I'll pay you $100 over asking price if you will ship it.. No, I'm not shipping anything. The point of using Craigslist is to sell to local people. Craigslist is becoming a huge scam.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Rachel and the election

Rachel doesn't pay much attention to the news. Rachel doesn't pay any attention to elections. BUT!
This morning she said "Washington and Colorado legalized pot." I asked if she was thinking about moving, and she said she's thinking Colorado. Rocky Mountain High has a whole new meaning!

Obviously the financial community don't have much faith in the US . Dow Jones dropped over 300 points on the Wonderful news of Obama's re-election. Screwed, the US is screwed. Old dude I spoke with up at Starbucks (Sunny) for the last few months had told me the fix was in, Obama would win but a worse recession was headed this way. I believe it completely. We need a REVOLUTION!
Look back at the '60's and early '70's, revolution was in the air. It was a wild time to be alive. I remember it well. I went to demonstrations in Norwood, Mass. It was exciting. Bras being burnt, draft cards being burnt, people took a stand for something. We need that today.

Ah, the violence in Savannah. 7 people shot at the Coastal Empire Fair on Saturday night (about 1.3 miles from my house). No one saw nothing... Police are begging people that were there with cell phones to turn over the pics to the police. Rewards are being offered to find out who the shooters were.  Unlikely much will come of this, code of silence and all..
Last night just before 9pm, Bill heard 5 shots outside. About 15 minutes later I came home from school and saw a paddy wagon and a cruiser on 34th and Jefferson. Hope they got the bastard. This is just too much. If they kill each other off, then OK. But improperly aimed guns hit innocent targets.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

It's all over now

Jump boys on 35th street
Well, the election is over and now the country is heading into a major nose drive. I will never get a full time job again and my grandkids will be living in a socialist republic rather than a constitutional democracy. All this time I've been telling my kids that lying will come back to bite you in the end, but now we have a president that lied about his nationality to get into college and a senator elect in Massachusetts that lied and said she was native American to get into college but that's all right. In this country, liars can be elected and the lemmings will continue to vote for them.
Yesterday afternoon, about 6 police cars blocked the 200 block of  West 35th Street. They jumped out and arrested some dude and then he started screaming. The hood'kins were milling around Montgomery street and watching... Then one lunatic stood in the middle of 35th Street and started yelling that his stuff was "pure and hasn't been stepped on." Ah, life in the 'hood.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Vote on Tuesday

“But, to speak practically and as a citizen, unlike those who call themselves no-government men, I ask for, not at once no government, but at once a better government. Let every man make known what kind of government would command his respect, and that will be one step closer toward obtaining it” Henry David Thoreau (Civil Disobedience, 1848). Truer words cannot be spoken today.   Everyone needs to vote for the candidates who will keep government respectable (without subjecting tax payers to lawsuits for personal behavior lapses), unobtrusive (not demanding that every citizen pay for health insurance by calling it a tax), and not, as it is proudly proclaimed on the Washington DC license plate, Taxation without Representation.