Wednesday, July 10, 2013


Well, I hope everyone has an uneventful Fourth of July.  As for us, we stayed home.  The fools at the BP station, were blowing off fireworks. Yes, that is correct. At the GAS station, the knuckleheads light off fireworks. We keep an eye on things, like our roof, Bill's truck in the back yard. 
Then, there was the gunfire... Yup, they are crazy out there. You could hear pistols and what sounded like automatic weapons, too. Amazingly we did not hear about anyone being injured. Sometimes God protects fools.
Tonight, just before Bill walked out for the 8 pm walk with Chip, we heard gunfire real close to our house. A few minutes later as Bill and Chip were walking across Barnard, a policewoman stopped and asked Bill if he had heard gunfire. He said, yup, over by Dirty South Records. You would think the police could pull this stuff up on the video camera at the intersection. This just shows that no one really looks at those cameras. Why spend our tax dollars on cameras if they aren't even going to use them?

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