Sunday, July 31, 2011

Sunday July 31 2011

Thomas Park on Bull Street
I know what you are thinking. What is wrong with this picture? It is a picture of Thomas Park, next to the Bull Street Library at 8 Am on Sunday morning. The problem is, at 7 AM the place was crowded. I don't know if the shelters kick the homeless out or what but between 6 and 7 AM on Sunday mornings, there isn't a space left on a  bench. This morning, a bum was taking a bath in the fountain! My dog was not happy. Bill and Chip like to take a long walk on Sunday mornings. As a special treat, Chip drinks out of the fountain. That was not to be this morning. Something needs to be done to move these people along. They are becoming too attached to this place.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Saturday July 30 2011

Well, it has been nothing but HOT today. I went out around 2 PM and the outside temp gauge on my car said 103! It was too damn hot for the scumbags to hang out. They would have died of heat stroke if they sat out there drinking in this heat. But, these things don't last. At 8PM the temp and heat index have dropped off a bit. So, there is Hiyah (in the red shirt) out front drunk off his ass. Some people can drink and just be mellow. Hiyah is not one of those people. He is very loud. If he was quiet, I wouldn't have known he was out there. However, he was yelling and cussing to bring attention to himself. He isn't angry at anyone. The yelling and cussing is his way of communicating.  

Friday, July 29, 2011

Friday July 29 2011

Friday night and it's Crack & Crabs!
Well, here we are, another Friday night. Look at all the scumbags hanging out. The man on the left dressed all in blue is the landlord. Nice. We have tried to get him to move these scumbags out, but he says he can't. Yeah, right. He doesn't want to. I don't believe any of those people live there. Hiyah isn't even there! What the hell? I don't know why it has to be like this.

Hiyah sighting! He's alive and drinking.
OK, he's alive and well! I know everyone has been worried. That's Hiyah in the hat pointing at something. Now we can all rest easy. Hiyah is home.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Wednesday July 27 2011

Another boo boo
It's been raining off and on the last 2 days so it has been pretty quiet out there. This morning, I saw a cop talking to Hiyah when he was sitting on the front of Dirty South Records screened room. Don't know what she said, but he got up and started sweeping the sidewalk....

In the meantime, another boo-boo on the Rachel car. This one is just a little paint. Seems she hit the fence at her friend Jill's house. Hope her parent's didn't notice....

Monday, July 25, 2011

Monday July 25 2011

I went to my hair stylist on Saturday and another client related this true story. He is a chemist and at the time of this story was employed by L'Oreal here in Savannah. Two older men were in the break room when he heard this conversation. One was reading the newspaper out loud to the other. He was reading very slowly and pronouncing every syllable of difficult words.  The first man read there had been a "HOME A CIDE" in Savannah. The second man said "Oh, is that when you get killed inside your house?". Hmmmm. Sometimes it is better to be silent and thought a fool than open one's mouth and remove all doubt.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Sunday July 24 2011

Wal-Mart parking lot

Hiyah got slapped by his old lady
Went to Wal-Mart this morning and what a mess. Some scumbag tossed bags of garbage in the parking lot.
Later, Hiyah was sitting out on the screened section of Dirty South Records on Montgomery Street. His Old Lady came out of the house screaming at him. You can't seem him too good in this picture as he is squeezing himself as close as he can next to the building. He didn't have much to say.  She slapped him and told him he can pack his things and get out. Then she left. You go girl!!!!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Friday, July 22, 2011

Friday July 22 2011

Business Card
Here's a business card I received from the used car parts place where I got Rachel's tire last week. The address on Montgomery Street got me thinking, Montgomery Street isn't that long. So, I then realized the address had an extra 0 at the end. Then I started looking a little more critically at the business card. Can you spot the spelling and grammar errors? What about the "meachinic" ? Nice guy at the place but couldn't someone use SPELLCHECKER?

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Thursday July 21 2011

I saw a T-shirt that speaks to the people ...
SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL BONDSMAN, GET ARRESTED!     It is from Brighter Day Bail Bonds in Savannah. Ah, what a wonderful thought....
Breaking News!
 Sitting at my desk at 11 AM when I heard the unmistakeable sound of a cruiser coming to an abrupt stop. Looking out the window, this is what I see. Don't know what the dude done, but he had lots of Sav/Metro Police on his ass. Too bad he didn't jump into the yard next door. There is an angry pit bull in there that would have just LOVED to have bit his ass.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Wednesday July 20 2011

Hiyah and his old lady
I know everyone was worried there had been no Hiyah sightings. Well, not to worry. Here the lovely couple are standing on the street corner at 7:30 in the morning. She left with another woman in a van and he hung on the corner for bit. What a life.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Tuesday July 19 2011

Well, everyone should be relieved. I saw Hiyah this morning taking out the trash. I don't know where he's been. I did check the Chatham County Jail website and he wasn't arrested that I could find. Too bad.
Rachel's car was supposed to go in the shop this morning to get the wipers fixed but since she didn't arrive home until 2 pm... That's a little late to be bringing the car in. Oh, and she doesn't have her car. She left it at Steven's. And she spent the night at Jill's on the island. And when she did get home (she left home after the big incident with the Richmond Hill girls)she didn't even have her keys. Too bad I wasn't home when she got there. Poor child had to sit outside in 95 degree temps because her phone was dead and she didn't have her keys. Life is sooooo hard for teenagers. Just think, school starts in less than 5 weeks. I can't wait.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Monday July 18 2011

Rachel's almost black eye
Tonight's special, dinner and a show. As I was preparing a nice dinner, 4 girls came to my front door. One I knew, the rest I did not. Rachel let the girls in and they went upstairs to her room. There was some fussing going on, but I was busy in the kitchen so I tried not to get involved. Then, all 5 girls went outside. I heard yelling and I wanted to see what was going on. I opened up the door just in time to see this 16 year old girl PUNCH Rachel in the eye. I was shocked! Lindsey was usually such a nice girl. Rachel asked her what that was for, but Lindsey just hauled off and tried to hit her again. Finally, the other girls yelled at Rachel to get in the house or they would all beat her up for talking to Lindsey's OLD boyfriend. Bitches. Crazy Ass Bitches...So Rachel called 9-1-1 and since I did witness it, I had to make the report. Ah, teenage girls and drama.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Sunday July 17 2011

Good morning!
Well it is Sunday. Don't ya just love it? It is so quiet out there you can hear the birds chirping. No drunks! But the question still remains, Where the hell is Hiyah? Still haven't seen him or his old lady. We'll have to keep a look out.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Saturday July 16 2011

Saturday afternoon, nothing better to do.
Well, I ain't seen hide nor hair of Hiyah in the last few days. Where is he? His friends are still hanging but it has been a tad quieter.
mold at police station
In Savannah politics, it has been a tough couple of days. The chief of police, Willie Lovett, spoke to the press about the deplorable conditions at the precinct up town. He said it was a hellhole. He said that when it rains, it pours inside down the walls. Repairs appear to have been done to the roof year after year. Why? Does the city not hire the BEST contractors? More likely they hired somebody's brother-in-law who sees a cash cow in our (the taxpayers ') pockets. The city manager, Rochelle Small-Toney, had the audacity to try to gag the chief. She stated that if Lovett spoke to the press again without her consent, she would fire him. Who does she think she is? The Savannah Morning News website was filled with angry comments from readers about Small-Toney.  After the election in the fall, the populace wants her ass out of office. The new mayor better take heed of the electorate's voices. It was noted in the paper Ms. Small-Toney spent $40,000 of taxpayer money remodeling her office. And she wants to begrudge the chief of police for asking repairs for a public building that should be safe.  She is truly not seeing the big picture.   Today, the city's director of public information officer stated the police chief does not need anyone's permission to speak to the press. So there!  

Friday, July 15, 2011

Friday July 15 2011

Ah, Beer for Breakfast!
Finally, we are breaking the spell of 50+ days in a row of 90+ degrees. It is 10 AM and only a blessed 77 degrees. Let's celebrate with a 40 ounce for breakfast. Don't know where the heck Hiyah is, but his friends will keep the stoop dry for his behind.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Thursday July 14 2011

close-up of dents
Right front tire replacement
Well, the further adventures of Rachel and her first car. The pic on the left is a close up of the dents sustained at the gas station. The pic on the right is of the used tire we had to buy at 5PM last night. Rachel and Steven went to the drive thru at BK, and suddenly a sound like a shot! The tire had a blow out at the drive thru. She was at a stop so thankfully didn't get hurt. A large chunk of tire blew out. It was about 3 inches around. An older man helped change the tire and told us a cheap place to get a used tire. It was only about a mile from my house. Luckily they had several in stock and for $35 mounted a nice one on the car. Now we just have to get it balanced. Oh, and who paid? Why me of course. WTF? This kid needs a better job so she can pay for her car repairs.
Neighborhood-wise, it has been busy. The ho's are still working the streets and the johns are still cruising day and night looking for them. It never seems to end. Sunday AM I saw a  girl on a bicycle and she was mighty miffed. She said she had been solicited 3 times just riding to the BP station. It is just wrong. The knuckleheads are still hanging out on the corner bright and early. By late in the afternoon it's so F'n HOT no one wants to hang, though. Yesterday the heat index was close to 120. The idiots would have gone into heat stroke if they stayed out there drinking. (Too bad,whoops did I say that out loud?)

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Wednesday July 13 2011

white paint on driver's door
Hmmm, what is this? I walked outside and saw white paint on Rachel's car door. She didn't volunteer any information about this! When I confronted her about it, she said that she parked at a gas station and hit one of those concrete posts when she was leaving. The little Honda is getting pretty beat up. One dent for each week she has had the car.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Monday July 11 2011

It was quiet here on Sunday. No alcohol sales meant no need to hang out. Love it!  On the other hand, at 4 AM on Sunday morning, Bill woke up to about 4 gunshots. (I was sleeping like a rock.) No screaming nor car tires squealing, so he assumed whoever was shooting did not hit his target...

Yesterday was a banner day for our city's finest.  A policeman, responding to an accident on highway 516, drove down the median and lost his rear axle. The hot catalytic converter caught the grass on fire. The grass caught the car on fire. THEN... another officer responded and instead of parking his car and getting out, left it in reverse when he got out. The cruiser then went in reverse and hit the fire truck responding to the FIRE. Our tax dollars hard at work. You can't make this stuff up!
Story is here.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Saturday July 9 2011

This morning, looking at my neighbor's (SCAD student) bike, the seat was missing. The bike was lying on its side with one of those snazzy locks attaching it to a sign. I figured the guy had taken the seat into the apartment to deter theft. Later on, I was taking Chip and Louise for a walk when Chip decided to pee on a bush in front of Angie's house. Since the house is condemned, I don't care if the Chipster goes there. Well, I glanced over at the bush and lo and behold! There is the seat for the guy's bicycle! Good thing I stopped Chip before the deed. I brought the seat back and gave it to the guy. He was very thankful. He then brought the bike into the house...
SAA cafeteria

After an afternoon t-storm, plugged drains...

 This morning, I helped out at Rachel's school- Savannah Arts Academy. The PTA decided to clean, scrape and paint the cafeteria walls. I worked for a while then came home and made 3 1/2 dozen chocolate chip cookies. They were well appreciated. And I got credit for 4 hours of my 10 hours that I have to "volunteer"  hours for the 2011-2012 school year..
SAA cafeteria

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Wednesday July 6 2011

Pumpkin? In July?
OK, someone check the calendar for me. Is this not JULY? Why is there a smashed pumpkin on Howard Street between 35th and 36th Streets?
This is just bizarre.First, where the hell do you find a pumpkin in July? Then why must it be smashed all over the street? I'll never "get" this behavior.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Tuesday July 5 2011

Late in the afternoon
Well, with all the fireworks going off last night, the hoodkins were sleeping late this AM. There were a few diehards, like Hiyah, of course getting the first beer of the morning at 7 AM. But for the most part, it was pretty quiet. Also, the smoke from the fires in the Okeefenokee Swamp was pretty bad out there today, too.  Later in the afternoon however, things picked up. The scumbags have even got some chairs now out there in the vacant lot.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Monday July 4 2011

Ah, the 4th of July. This is the day when you have to really listen, is that fireworks or gun fire...
The knuckleheads around here are blowing off fireworks at the BP GAS station at Montgomery and 34th. That is real scary stuff...I'm staying inside.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Sunday July 3 2011

Rachel's car got a Boo boo.
Rachel backed into a tree this morning. Nice. She told me she broke the light. It is a little more than that...The quarter panel is crunched, too.                    
The scumbags are all quiet today. LOVE Sundays!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Saturday July 2 2011

Saturday morning at 8

Friday night at 11
The scumbags have been partying hard. At 11 last night they were out there and at 8 this morning, they are still out there drinking. People, do NOT try this at home. These are professionals.
 Bill has a guy named John that helps him, mostly painting. The past couple of days, John has been painting our house. Yesterday afternoon some A-hole walked into MY yard and started picking my (silk) flowers out of my flower boxes! John yelled at the guy and said to put them back and that the lady who owns them will be very angry. Too bad John didn't tell me. I would have come outside with the baseball bat and the DOGS!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Friday July 1 2011

messed up

WTF a 40 ounce on a fence

Who drinks
MALT liquor?
Well some scumbags were busy last night. This car belonging to one of the Montana girls was really messed up. Someone threw flour and ketchup all over it. WTF? 
While on our walk this morning, saw some scumbags left a 40 ounce malt liquor bottle in a bag on the fence at the condemned house in the 200 block of W 35th and further down the street, someone threw empties including a can of malt liquor on the ground. Why? I just don't understand this mentality.