Monday, September 30, 2013

September 30 Been busy

Since I started work, I've been a bit  too busy to do much blogging. The newspaper yesterday had an interesting story. First some background.
 A few years ago, a guy that was fixing up a house down the street told me an interesting story. He had been witnessing drug dealing in front of the house and decided to video tape it. Then he called the police to report it. When the cop arrived, he offered the cop the videotape. The cop told him, "I don't arrest family." Wow! he was pissed and so was I. That statement really floored me. It started to make sense. When Bill or I would call the police on the drug dealing across the street, the dealers would quickly disappear just before the patrol cars arrived. They would smirk at us as they left.
Now, in the Sunday paper, it comes out. A cop on the Narco squad (CNT) would call a certain cop to tell him that a relative of his was being investigated. The certain cop, would ESCORT his drug dealing relative with a police car. Also this same cop was in trouble for intimidating an official with the Section 8 housing. He was taking money but did not have an actual tenant. When the official sent him a letter telling him to repay, he took his police car and charged at her while she was at the post office, then put his hand on his gun. He now is permanently off the list of people that are allowed to receive money for renting to Sect 8 people. That was all the punishment he got. And, yes it gets better... These 2 cops are not allowed to testify in FEDERAL court on ANY cases anymore.. Because the federal prosecutors believe they committed perjury.
So, what has become of these 2 fine officers? Well the one that was on the Narco squad, he was kicked off the squad and has been promoted. The other fine individual, he is the Crime Prevention Office of precinct!
There is so much corruption here. It sucks.

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