Well, Well, Well. WE had an interesting Saturday evening. While most people were settling down for the evening, getting ready for bed, or in my case, needing to lay down and sleep due the RAGING headache I had, Rachel called and said that her momma was arrested.
Suddenly this is my problem? What the hell? The two of them called around and got Alexander Bonding to agree to bond her. The place is on Ogeechee Road, near the McDonalds. We've seen the place for years. Hard to miss. A yellow building painted with black lines to look like bars to a cell... Nice. At any rate, I was there just before midnight. Used half of Rachel's tax return for the bail.
I guess there is a lesson in here for Rachel. Can you imagine, having to take your kid's tax refund money to bail your ass out of jail? I think Rachel wants a better life for herself...
Meanwhile, think about this opinion placed in a Northern California newspaper. Think about that fact that this person probably votes and may even have reproduced. This country used to be the greatest in the world. I fear for the future...
I guess there is a lesson in here for Rachel. Can you imagine, having to take your kid's tax refund money to bail your ass out of jail? I think Rachel wants a better life for herself...
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