Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Happy Wednesday

Bill picked up a nice shiny grill


Bill picked up a nice stainless steel grill from Home depot! Isn't it shiny?

What is it with the cars with these eyelashes? Does anyone else see these things?

Read a column in the Sunday paper that says a lot about today's education. It was written by Geveryl Robinson (a columnist and college professor).
"...when students enroll in college there are certain things I ...expect them to know. ..students enrolled in English classes without any knowledge of how to write an essay.  ...they don't even know that an essay is supposed to have paragraphs. Text language, profanity, improper or nonexistent punctuation and other issues...they seem astounded when they receive a grade that is not an A".
She has now decided to leave the classroom. As she states, "no matter how many administrators or legislators tell people every student should go to college, this is not true." Just because they go to college, doesn't mean they will find a job. Students are pushed through classes partly because professors are afraid to fail too many students. These students will graduate many thousands of dollars in student debt due to corporate GREED.

For students that don't excel in the classroom, are not interested in English, history, social studies, there are many trades that need people. Auto mechanic and HVAC are just a couple of careers that will pay well and don't need a four year degree and BIG student loans.
It is something to think about.

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