Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Crime Crime Crime

This is getting ridiculous. I just drove down Victory Drive and over by Habersham Street and nearly all the way to Abercorn Street I saw at least 50 cops, some walking on Victory Drive with shotguns. I hear a helicopter in the air. Nothing on the news. More to follow...
UPDATE: It was a bank robbery at Wells Fargo Bay Street and the armed suspects were tracked down to here. No word on arrests so they probably got away.

Over the weekend, at Daffin Park (where the Sand Gnats play), kids football games were being played on several fields. Fights broke out between adults and a teenager pulled out a gun and fired several shots.

The Labor Day weekend murders of 3 are still unsolved. The Police Chief has since said that the couple that was murdered were not involved in any wrongdoing. That gives little solace to the families since the A-hole(s) is still out there free to enjoy life while their loved ones are buried.
On the cover of Monday's paper, they were discussing several high profile murders, I don't want to hear about the perps and their sad deprived upbringing. The victims had the right to live. Let's talk about that.

A couple of girls that just moved here from Hong Kong to attend SCAD were assaulted on Monday at the home they were renting. One creep tried to sexually assault one of the girls. Welcome to Savannah.
And speaking of crime, there she is, strutting IN the street. She is wearing a pink bra and some lace, well I think she calls it a shirt, but I wouldn't be that generous. Standing in Jefferson Street, waving at cars, and in general, being a nuisance.

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