This weekend is certainly quieter than last weekend and that is a good thing! My computer class is really making me insane. Like I really need INTRO to computers, but in order to get my degree, I'm required to take it. Well, the companion website says you must access it with Internet Explorer. I prefer my Mozilla firefox, but NOOOO, I have to use IE. So, I use it and the frigging program we are working on in WORD (oh be still my heart, I'm learning SO much about Word) tells me to "highlight the text, then change the spacing to 1.3 and then click OK." All is good until I try to click OK. Then nothing. WTF? I tried it about 20 times, and yes, I know the definition of insanity is to try the same thing over and over and expect different results, but this IS a computer we are talking about, so I did it anyway. It wouldn't let me escape, move forward, move backward, go to help. I swear to God I wanted to smash the keyboard. I exited the program Control/Alt/Del and shut down the computer and re-started the computer and then went back to the frigging website. SAME result.........Scream.......
I then tried it again this morning. Scream again..... Then I went to the CHAT for help. After being on hold for 22 minutes... some dude from India tells me to use another browser, like Firefox. WTF. R U Serious?
LOL. Good luck with the basic computer class...