Louise taking a much needed nap |
Louise is beating me at Solitaire |
Unhappy Chip, can't sit in Bill's Lazy Boy Chair |
It is is quiet out there today. Louise was taking her nap and then I left the couch to finish laundry. When I came back, she had her paws on the I Pad. She seems to be thinking very intently about her next move.
Since I had Bill's chair cleaned, Chip is no longer allowed to sit in the Lazy Boy. He is not thrilled. Look at that face. He is staring at the chair.
This afternoon, Rachel breezed in and asked for some cash. Which I don't have. Not even one dollar. So, I went into the Wells Fargo website and showed her, she had 2 bucks, I had one and she had 1.76 in her savings. She asked me to transfer the savings to her checking so she could get a gallon of gas to go to Tybee Island with her friends. Half an hour later, she calls me. Why can't she get $20 out of the ATM? WTF? Did she NOT see what we had in our checking accounts? Is she smoking too much p*t? Who knows. I told her better luck tomorrow...
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