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baby bird |
On Thursday, Rachel went to work mid-day and then came home to go to sleep at 2. She screamed something is alive in her fireplace! You could hear something in there behind the cover.
after, looking sassy! |
Before, looking skunky |
When Bill came home, he opened up the cover and saw 2 baby birds clinging to the sides of the chimney. They didn't have many feathers and eyes were not open. Part of a nest was on the floor of the fireplace. He picked them up with this towel and put them outside. They clung to the towel like superglue. In the morning, they were still there. I had thought the parents would show up and take them away or at least feed them. I tried giving them bread soaked in milk, but they wouldn't eat. I eventually put them in a nice box with leaves and put them in the shade. Sadly, when we came back from dinner, they were dead.
The big thing this week is I had my hair cut off. I'm sick of coloring it. So, I had my stylist give me a style that will let the grey eventually be the dominate color. The long hair is gone for a while but after the colored hair is completely gone, the long hair will be back. When I told Rachel I was getting my hair cut off, she was shocked.
Your haircut looks great. Makes you look sassy!!