Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Interesting Day

When I was leaving school, just before 2 pm, I saw about a dozen police cars, yellow tape, and WTOC news crew at the "Brothers" garage. When I got to the VA, I pulled up the news to find out a shooting happened there. Maybe the guy didn't like his bill...

Then I was reading the front page of the newspaper... Some jerk that is a convicted felon had served on the Grand Jury in Savannah starting at the beginning of December. An attorney at the Public Defenders office recognized the name of the offender.. Uh oh. Now all those cases (they are thinking there could be 90+ cases that need to be re-heard). This town is so _____ fill in the blank...

Also today, some jerk sent out a Tweet saying the White House was hit by 2 bombs and Obama was injured. Stocks plunged. When it was found to be a fraud, the stock market came back. I think they need to look at a Day Trader.

"AP Twitter hijack leads to stock-market plunge
Over the past six months, the Twitter feeds of several news organizations have been hijacked by the Syrian Electronic Army. 
 Twitter hackers struck again on April 23, hijacking the official Associated Press Twitter feed, @AP, to post a message that there had been explosions in the White House and that President Barack Obama had been hurt."

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