Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Interesting Day

When I was leaving school, just before 2 pm, I saw about a dozen police cars, yellow tape, and WTOC news crew at the "Brothers" garage. When I got to the VA, I pulled up the news to find out a shooting happened there. Maybe the guy didn't like his bill...

Then I was reading the front page of the newspaper... Some jerk that is a convicted felon had served on the Grand Jury in Savannah starting at the beginning of December. An attorney at the Public Defenders office recognized the name of the offender.. Uh oh. Now all those cases (they are thinking there could be 90+ cases that need to be re-heard). This town is so _____ fill in the blank...

Also today, some jerk sent out a Tweet saying the White House was hit by 2 bombs and Obama was injured. Stocks plunged. When it was found to be a fraud, the stock market came back. I think they need to look at a Day Trader.

"AP Twitter hijack leads to stock-market plunge
Over the past six months, the Twitter feeds of several news organizations have been hijacked by the Syrian Electronic Army. 
 Twitter hackers struck again on April 23, hijacking the official Associated Press Twitter feed, @AP, to post a message that there had been explosions in the White House and that President Barack Obama had been hurt."

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Computers Suck

spent 2 days fighting with the computer to no avail. Finally, Bill and I went to Best Buy and he bought me an Acer laptop with Windows 8, touch screen, and Microsoft Office for Students. Now I'll be spending days putting all my faves on the new computer and getting caught up on days of homework.

Friday, April 19, 2013


still fighting with computer issues. I am using Bill's HP with Vista, but I still can't print. Some frigging error for a driver and everywhere I look, people want to charge you $30 for some fix.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

April 18

So this is what I've been dealing with for the last 2 days. My computer has crashed. It has the big black screen of death. I am on Bill's old HP with Windows Vista and trying to put Microsoft Office 2010, My school files, my printer, update the drivers, update internet explorer, update the service pack. It has taken ALL frigging day. I hate computers. I hate computer hackers that send out viruses that kill computers. Even with Norton on the computer, it didn't protect it. Grrr....

Monday, April 15, 2013

Another day

Saturday morning I had to check the calendar twice. I thought it must have been Friday the 13th! First thing in the morning, I put our king size comforter in the washing machine along with Rachel's work uniform. Set it on Super size. About 15 minutes later, I look in the laundry room and water is all over the floor. I checked the hoses and they were dry. It was coming from under the washer. After mopping and toweling the floor, I thought that I would reduce the size of the laundry to large, and thankfully it didn't overflow again. That was just strange. I've done a couple more large loads since then and no more flooding.
After this fiasco, I went up town for my morning Starbucks at my favorite location. There was not one parking spot to be found. There was a Breast Cancer walk/run and roads were blocked off and I'm not about to pay to park in a garage. So, I went to another SB. I thought I'd eat healthy and ordered the oatmeal with the nuts and fruit. When I got home, I found that the barista did not put enough water in the oatmeal. It was like thick mud. I tried boiling some water and adding it but at that point it was like mush. Dang, it was not my morning.
The rest of the day didn't turn out too bad. It was about 80 degrees and the sun was shining.

This morning I went to see my mechanic. The subaru has been making a strange noise and it is getting louder, sounding sort of like an airplane. After taking it for a test drive, he says it is a rear wheel bearing. DAMN. Now I've got to pay some $200 for a rear wheel bearing and I still need to get 2 fan belts replaced for $150 before I go up north next month to visit. At this rate, I will have to sleep in the car since no family members want me to stay with them and I won't have the money for a hotel room. Maybe I can find a room at the Salvation Army.

Monday, April 8, 2013

The Iron Lady died today.

   If you just set out to be liked, you would be prepared to compromise on anything at any time, and you would achieve nothing.

Margaret Thatcher

I totally agree! 

Sunday, April 7, 2013

nice and quiet

been quiet around here for a while. I've been so busy with my homework that I haven't blogged much.
There has been a lot of stress lately about money. Rachel and I want to go up north to visit family in early May. Problem is, I have no place to stay... Looks like I'll be having to not pay a few bills so that I can stay at a hotel. That just sucks. It also shortens our time up there.
For Easter, Lila and I sent our mother flowers. I sent this one that looks like a puppy. I thought it was cute and would brighten her day. I had picked a different one from a company called KaBloom. Online itsSaid if I ordered it before noon (and it was 10 a.m.), it would be delivered by 5. At 12:15, they called to say they couldn't deliver. I was pissed. Of course they had already put a hold on my debit card, though... So I searched around and found this from 1-800 flowers. Then I searched online for discount and found a coupon code for 15% off. It pays to search!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Run Louise!

At 2 this morning, Rachel came wondering in. After she turned off the alarm, I heard what sounded like a cat. I thought,  no way she brought a cat home. Not with my cat-hating greyhound, Louise. A couple minutes later, I heard 2 cats fighting in the back yard. Chip barked and bounded down the stairs. Louise jumped off the couch and ran barking to the back door.
I looked outside and didn't see anything at first. Then I saw the 2 cats. I opened the door and the stupid cats stared at me. Louise was within 2 feet of the cats before they realized she was there! It was amazing watching the old dog run! Bet those cats don't make the mistake of fighting in this yard again..