Thursday, February 16, 2012

Thursday February 16 2012

Pretty quiet out there today. I talked with my neighbors about the new "player" that was hanging around Jefferson and the condemned house. The neighbors assured me they will call the police if he is seen hanging out at the condemned house again.
I went to school today to learn more about Linked In. It a social networking site that is for business connections. Hopefully I'll get connected here with someone who can get me a JOB...
On the way home from there, I went up the Truman Parkway to avoid the 100's of traffic lights on Abercorn Street. (It is about 6 miles to my school and yet it took me over 20 minutes to get to school at noon time today.) So, as I said I took Truman to avoid some lights. As soon as I got on the ramp, there was a 2 police cars in the merging lane. In front of them was a black camaro. It was facing the wrong way and had some serious dents on the rear quarter panel... Don't know anything more, but I'm sure there is a story to be told...
Then when I got home, there was a helicopter hovering over the hood for at least 15 minutes. Again, not sure why...

HOLY CRAP. Anyone who thinks we are not still in a deep depression- READ THIS:
 Thank you for your interest in the Open Continuous announcements for the   

    Test Administrator GS-303-04 position with a Florida Military Entrance   

    Processing Station. This recruitment effort was very successful with 10,170   

    applicants. We are very sorry for the delay in updating you on your status.   

    As of January all test administrator positions have been filled.    

10170 people (including ME) applied for this job as a test proctor for the Army. Ain't that some crap?

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