Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Wednesday February 29 2012

The campaign begins
Hey, it's Leap Day- February 29th! Exactly 12 years ago today, I bought the condo at Royal Dane in Marshfield. Rachel got her own room and Kristel and Joshua were pushed out of the nest. We see how that went...

Today I began the "campaign of  shame". I put a couple of signs on telephone poles  leading into the apartment complex where one Ariana  lives. These signs are on the pole across from her building. I will keep adding signs about the "I-phone thief from Islands High School." I'm also going to put them on windshields of cars tomorrow afternoon. Then, I'll go speak to her parents maybe this weekend. I'm sure the thief's parents aren't going to do anything. Hell, it was her father that drove her somewhere after we sent messages to the phone that we were tracking it. But, if I can get the other students to say something to her, then maybe...She is not the only IHS student in the complex, but is the only one that lives in the building where the I-phone was tracked to.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Tuesday February 28 2012

Just got off the phone with my insurance company. The other girl who owns the car that Rachel's tire hit - well, she has already filed against my insurance! The bitch.
The police officer said she should get an estimate for the slight scrape (mostly rubber mark) down the side of her car and let us know. NOOOOO. She didn't say word one to us, just filed a claim.
 USAA will be touch with Pep Boys legal dept and start working on the claim for the damage to the other girl's car. I'll call USAA in a couple of days to see how that is going. Then, I want to file against Pep Boys on Rachel's behalf.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sunday February 26 2012

Jesus Called
I've been walking around Bonaventure Cemetery looking at interesting headstones. This one is freaky. There's a telephone carved around the last name Daniels and under the deceased's name it says "Jesus Called." I'll be checking my caller ID. If I see "Jesus" I'm NOT answering...I suggest you do the same.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Friday February 24 2012

These aren't my pants!

Breakfast of Champs, 40 oz BEER

Rachel's tire flew off the car- look no lug nuts left!

Friday morning- what the hell are those pants doing draped over the sign? Perhaps someone was wearing them so low they just walked out of them and didn't realize it.
7 AM in the morning and a bunch of losers are out there drinking. Why can't they just stay at THEIR own house and drink? Just before I took this picture, the guy in the blue hat was standing next to the fence urinating. How nice.
First thing this morning, Rachel had to go to the dentist. She spent 15 minutes searching the house and her car for her make case. It is missing. She went to the dentist with a whole lotta attitude.
After coming home and taking a nap, Rachel went to the mall to pick up some more make up. When she pulled out of the mall, the car was making a "noise." Next thing, the tire flew off the car, hit another car and the hub dropped to the ground. She was pulling into Wendy's but didn't make it totally into a parking space.
She called me and I remembered that we got the oil changed on our cars on Monday and tires were rotated. So, I called Pep Boys and the man, Damien said he would call me back. Meanwhile I drove to meet up with her. Of course, Pep Boys did not call me back. I called again and said I needed lug nuts as they were all GONE. Damien said I needed to call 1-800-Pep Boys. Bite me. The kid had to be at work in an hour. So I drove to Pep Boys (it was about a mile away) and got the lug nuts. I couldn't really tighten them on her car but did the best I could. I followed her to Pep Boys. They checked and tightened all the lug nuts.
Now, how do I get something for this? Rachel wants new tires. I think that is a great idea. Pep Boys better pay for the car that Rachel's tire hit, too.
I'll talk to my teacher (a lawyer) in class tomorrow!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Thursday February 23 2012

Went to a temp agency today. Filled out lots of paperwork. Who knows? Something has got to give....
The pit bull is hanging out across the street again today with the parolees. Not quite the same as the ones on TV, but amusing none the less. There's plenty of drama, alcohol, drugs, dealers, ho's, bums, and just plain malingerers over there. Earlier, someone was singing (loudly and poorly). Now, they are just sitting out there with a few 40 ounces between them. What a life. Get up, walk to the hood, hang out. Drink, maybe do some drugs, urinate in the alley. Wow! Does it get any better than that!
Damn, I think I hear an ice cream truck out there. Can you imagine? I mean it is February but it's 85 DEGREES!
I just confirmed it, yes it IS the ice cream truck! Think I'll see if they have Italian Ice!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Wednesday February 22 2012

Wish a Happy Birthday to my brother John!
On Monday, Rachel and I had oil changes on our cars. While there, the guy that specializes in car stereos took a look at Rachel's stereo. At first, Nick said the fuse was blown. After replacing it again (I had replaced the other day), the stereo and lighter worked. Then, just as quickly, it blew the fuse again. After the third fuse, Nick checked the radio itself. The piece of crap is shorting out. The wires are a big tangle in there. Nick taped a couple of wires up for her and didn't charge us. That was nice. 
So, no radio for Rachel still. We went online to Best Buy and she picked out an inexpensive radio. (She PAID for it herself, WOW!) Now she still has to pay for installation... It will need someone with nerves of steel and the ability to not blow a bunch of electrical parts of the car. In other words, an expert, not some flunky.

Rachel's room is in transition. Gone are all the pinks. I'm hoping to paint it a nice light blue in a week or so. Also, I'd like to paint the section of wall between the 2 front windows black chalkboard. I think that is so cool! I'm painting the "new" headboard today. 
I put the neon pink curtains on Craigs list. Got one call, hopefully I'll sell them today. 
Pit Bull and Parolees hanging out

Rachel's room, in transition

Everybody, watch Hiyah WORK!


Saturday, February 18, 2012

Saturday February 18 2012

New Pimp in Town

Who Knew? Parade 1

Who Knew? Parade 2

This morning at 7 AM, the new pimp was out there bold as brass talking to his girls. Got to stomp this SOB out.
At 10:30 AM, I heard loud music. Looked out the window thinking some jerk was sitting in his car out front when I saw the parade. I call it the "Who Knew?" parade. There is nothing about this parade in the paper. It happens every year. It is made up of some church people, bands, fancy floats, cars and motorcycles. At the end of the parade are about 10 large buses.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Thursday February 16 2012

Pretty quiet out there today. I talked with my neighbors about the new "player" that was hanging around Jefferson and the condemned house. The neighbors assured me they will call the police if he is seen hanging out at the condemned house again.
I went to school today to learn more about Linked In. It a social networking site that is for business connections. Hopefully I'll get connected here with someone who can get me a JOB...
On the way home from there, I went up the Truman Parkway to avoid the 100's of traffic lights on Abercorn Street. (It is about 6 miles to my school and yet it took me over 20 minutes to get to school at noon time today.) So, as I said I took Truman to avoid some lights. As soon as I got on the ramp, there was a 2 police cars in the merging lane. In front of them was a black camaro. It was facing the wrong way and had some serious dents on the rear quarter panel... Don't know anything more, but I'm sure there is a story to be told...
Then when I got home, there was a helicopter hovering over the hood for at least 15 minutes. Again, not sure why...

HOLY CRAP. Anyone who thinks we are not still in a deep depression- READ THIS:
 Thank you for your interest in the Open Continuous announcements for the   

    Test Administrator GS-303-04 position with a Florida Military Entrance   

    Processing Station. This recruitment effort was very successful with 10,170   

    applicants. We are very sorry for the delay in updating you on your status.   

    As of January all test administrator positions have been filled.    

10170 people (including ME) applied for this job as a test proctor for the Army. Ain't that some crap?

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Wednesday February 15 2012

111 Brady Street

Ho's and pimp conduct business here?

 It was an interesting night/morning. Last night while walking Chip and Louise, a young man and two young women followed us in to the alley. Next thing, I see them walking up the fire escape of this condemned house. I told they had to leave as they were not the owners and the house was condemned. He said "they were just conducting some business." REALLY, he said that. I told him again, CONDEMNED and then I stood there. They took the hint and left.

In the morning, Bill saw one of the girls in the street and the guy was giving her instructions.... "Get out in the street girl so they can see you..." Hmmm.. Looks like a duck, sounds like a duck....Later I went out and they were huddled up together on the second floor back deck of the house (216 W 35th.). That was it for me. I called the police and reported them. I don't want that kind in my neighborhood.
I also told the police someone opened up the back door of the condemned house at 111 Brady Street. Maybe they be conducting business there, too....

Later, I went into the alley behind our house and took another picture of the trash that people have been throwing back there. I called the city and told them this is now the 3rd time we have asked to have this debris picked up....
Trash and fence torn open

Monday, February 13, 2012

Monday February 13 2012

pit bull and ....
Damn, it is frigging cold out there. It was 29 degrees this morning when I was walking Chip. The girls weren't anywhere to be seen. Now it has warmed up a bit- at least it is above freezing. A friend stopped by to see Hiyah and company. He brought his dog. Now it's the "Pit Bull and Parolees" show across the street!
Still no word on Rachel's I-Phone. The school police better get that damn phone back. If not, I'm taking the whole frigging family of the thief to court.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sunday February 12 2012

Damn! that guy is way up there!
 Man, there isn't enough money in the world to pay me to go up on one of those "cherry pickers."
At 8 AM, it was still only 27 degrees. No bums, no drug dealers, no ho's on the streets...
Later it warmed up to mid 40's. Still too cold for the girls, though...
Too cold!
 What a great find on this headboard. Rachel was wanting a new headboard as she has had the "cheetah" covered headboard for about 5 years. ( I did cover it up with some pink and green fleece, but she wanted a wood headboard.) I'm going to sand it and paint it off white to match her bureau.
I posted a picture of an artist from River Street on my blog a while ago. He does a lot of African art. Well, last Sunday I saw some stuff in the Telfair Museum he just has to see. An artist named Robert Claiborne Morris has some really thought-provoking stuff. So, I printed off an article about RCM and a couple of pics of his art. (I wish I remembered the name of the artist uptown, but I don't.) I brought it  to the artist on River Street. I told him RCM is going to be in Savannah tomorrow at the museum talking about his art. So this would be a great opportunity for him. To thank me for taking his art seriously, he gave me this piece with the lone cannon. COOL!
Nice headboard and it's heavy

So cold, they have their hands in their own pockets!


Saturday, February 11, 2012

Saturday February 11 2012

Pretty bird

I'm the BIRD

I am the Pretty Bird

Here is the vain cardinal. He spent about an hour in Bill's truck mirror this morning. What can he be thinking? I believe this is a young male. He is a little more red than is showing up in the pictures as these were taken at 7:15 AM. One person theorized the bird is thinking he has to fight off a rival cardinal. I think he is just obsessed with himself. He sat on the back of the toolbox looking in the glass for a few minutes. Bill wants to shoot him for messing up the mirrors. I think putting bags on the mirrors for a few days will break the obsessive habit. Who knows?
Yesterday afternoon as I was walking the dogs, I saw a neighbor. He is a boarder who lives in the 200 block of 35th. After the obligatory "hey, how ya doing" I said, it's been looking like rain all day, but we haven't gotten a drop. He replied with "just because something looks like a horse, doesn't mean it's a horse". (Huh?) OK, the horse rained about an hour later....?

Friday, February 10, 2012

Friday February 10 2012

Mirror on Bill's truck
There is a male cardinal in our back yard this is obsessed with himself. I swear, he is a teenage girl who has been  reincarnated as a bird. This cardinal jumps on the mirrors on Bill's truck to look at himself. He does this over and over and over again. It is maddening. He flaps his wings and puts marks on the mirrors, stands on the top and looks down at himself. He can do this for what seems like an hour. I put brown plastic bags on the mirrors to see if it would help. The next day, he was back. We will have to do this everyday to make him go away, I think.

Tomorrow, David's Crabs is supposed to open up. I imagine traffic will be a nightmare. I have to leave to go to class just after noontime. I'll be lucky if I can find a parking spot when I get home...

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Wednesday February 8 2012

Not much happening. Rachel's phone still hasn't been "found". Police are still dragging their feet about "interviewing the suspect." Why? I am SO pissed. $315 shot to hell. The kid got to use the damn phone for a month and a couple of days. The thief deserves to be BEAT and her parents, too.

I heard through the grapevine that Peyton Manning will be going to the Washington Redskins. That's nice. He doesn't deserve $128 MILLION bucks. That is so wrong.
Hell, none of them deserve that kind of money. They are just football players.

Still haven't found a job. I'm applying for jobs every day. No one calls. I have had one interview this year and 3 interviews in all of 2011! This just sucks. I am so broke. I have no retirement money left. My income tax refund is going for a car payment and for the dogs flea and heartworm meds. Nice.

Monday, February 6, 2012

super BAD super bowl

We are all excited before the game!

First quarter = snooze
That was the worst showing EVER for Brady. I am not a happy fan. Before the game, we were all excited. I was wearing my Brady #12 shirt. We were happy. Then, the first quarter of the game happened and I was NOT happy. When the game ended and the Giants had won, I was angry. Why brings us (the fans) all this way if you can't close the deal? I would have been happier if they had lost in the first round... 

Calling all PATRIOTS FANS! 
Think about this. Tom Brady- not married to a supermodel- wins ,3 count them 3 Super Bowls. Tom Brady married to supermodel- loses 2 Super Bowls. She is bad luck. She has to GO. Let's start a petition- Brady and Giselle have to get divorced. NOW before the next season starts.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Saturday February 4 2012

 OK, we tracked Rachel's Iphone to 1401 Johnny Mercer, Islands Tree apartments. The girl that lives there sits behind Rachel in French class. The phone was missing after French class. The girl categorically denies having the phone. Lying Bitch.
Police won't do anything. It happened on campus BUT the phone was taken off campus. Do you think if I saw a kid smoking a pile of weed on campus but then he drove away, I could only report it to the School Police? Then, since the phone was off campus, why can't the police respond?
Campus police officer is out until at least Monday as a grandparent died. WTF? If I go back to the apartment, words will be said. (and video will be taken by my IPhone.) I am PISSED at this lying bitch. I spend $315 for that phone. This is Theft by Taking- Georgia Law 16-8-2. See, my paralegal classes are paying off. If campus officer doesn't get the phone back on Monday, I'm taking the little bitch to court. I'll press criminal and civil charges. Give up the phone Bitch!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Friday Feb 3 2012

Here I am. Still unemployed. Applied on line to McDonalds today. Really? Yeah, I'm that DESPERATE. All these employers have you fill out some kind of questionnaire about personality. Some are longer than others but these questions are always on them:

I prefer a job that is :
interesting  or helping people (interesting and helping people, yeah yeah at McDonalds...)

If we contact supervisors (or teachers) how often to you stretch rules to get things done? (Oh, I won't just stretch 'em, I'll flat out bust a few...)

While working, you overhear 2 co-workers talking about another employee working too slow. What do you do?
nothing, tell supervisor, tell co-worker to hurry, tell 2 co-workers to tell the worker to hurry. (tell 2 co-workers to go to hell, as it is only MCDONALDS not like a hospital where someone might DIE if they have to wait for 15 seconds? not available)

If you don't get this job, how easy will it be for you to get another job?
(do I need to sound that HOPELESS? Hell, I'm applying to MCDONALDS!!!)

35 of these assinine questions. What BS for a minimum WAGE job. 

Now for the BIG news of the day. Rachel's I-phone 4 was STOLEN from school yesterday. Nice. Made it just over a month before it was gone. We tracked it and just her luck, it was in an apartment complex rather than a house. It could be any one of 8 units... Life just sucks. $315 shot to hell and I still have the credit card payments to make on it. The damn Islands Police would NOT come to the complex even though I could show them on my phone that we tracked her phone to Island Tree. Said we had to go through the school police. Nice. Great Customer Service. To Serve and Protect. My ASS. To stand around and BS with the dispatcher. Yeah.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Groundhog Day 2012

Well, the pesky Puxatawny Phil did not see his shadow so that means spring is right around the corner. Whoopee! It is 77 degrees today. I think I can handle it! Also, Georgia's Beauregard the groundhog did not see his shadow in Lilburn GA so spring is supposed to be just around the corner here, too. Don't tell Bill. He hates to cut the grass!


Smashing trees
Walking down Broughton Street yesterday morning, I looked up at the planter boxes on this building. One held dead flowers. The other, a bouquet of bottles... Hmm. Savannah, a drinking town with a drinking problem.
Took a walk around Bonaventure Cemetery.  A lot of fuss has been made about a new owner that bought land across the street. He is tearing down trees and putting up I believe, a mausoleum. People are angry he is tearing down all these trees. I thought they usually cut them down but these guys are just breaking them with a backhoe. Lazy?