Here I am. Still unemployed. Applied on line to McDonalds today. Really? Yeah, I'm that DESPERATE. All these employers have you fill out some kind of questionnaire about personality. Some are longer than others but these questions are always on them:
I prefer a job that is :
interesting or helping people (interesting and helping people, yeah yeah at McDonalds...)
If we contact supervisors (or teachers) how often to you stretch rules to get things done? (Oh, I won't just stretch 'em, I'll flat out bust a few...)
While working, you overhear 2 co-workers talking about another employee working too slow. What do you do?
nothing, tell supervisor, tell co-worker to hurry, tell 2 co-workers to tell the worker to hurry. (tell 2 co-workers to go to hell, as it is only MCDONALDS not like a hospital where someone might DIE if they have to wait for 15 seconds? not available)
If you don't get this job, how easy will it be for you to get another job?
(do I need to sound that HOPELESS? Hell, I'm applying to MCDONALDS!!!)
35 of these assinine questions. What BS for a minimum WAGE job.
Now for the BIG news of the day. Rachel's I-phone 4 was STOLEN from school yesterday. Nice. Made it just over a month before it was gone. We tracked it and just her luck, it was in an apartment complex rather than a house. It could be any one of 8 units... Life just sucks. $315 shot to hell and I still have the credit card payments to make on it. The damn Islands Police would NOT come to the complex even though I could show them on my phone that we tracked her phone to Island Tree. Said we had to go through the school police. Nice. Great Customer Service. To Serve and Protect. My ASS. To stand around and BS with the dispatcher. Yeah.