Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Tuesday December 20 2011

hit n run
Remember the hit 'n run from Friday night, well we didn't notice right away, but Rachel's car was hit. She was parked the wrong way on 35th Street Friday night. The white paint and the dents in the fender are from the white PT cruiser.... I'll have to call the police. As for the possible additional damage to the driver's door, No Rachel, that dent has been there. I matched it up with the photo.
OK, now be prepared for a BIG laugh... Several months ago, Rachel broke the inside door handle on the driver's door. She believes she can superglue it back together. She asked her friend Steven for some superglue. Then, she lost the superglue. Now be prepared, this is the funny part.... She found the superglue yesterday. It was in the back pocket of the pants she was wearing... It broke. Her pants were SUPERGLUED to her ass!!! Ha Ha Ha!

1 comment:

  1. This woman rushed to see her doctor, looking very much worried and all strung out. She rattles off: “Doctor, take a look at me. When I woke up this morning, I looked at myself in the mirror and saw my hair all wiry and frazzled up, my skin was all wrinkled and pasty, my eyes were bloodshot and bugging out, and I had this corpse-like look on my face! What’s WRONG with me, Doctor!?”
    The doctor looks her over for a couple of minutes, then calmly says: “Well, I can tell you that there ain’t nothing wrong with your eyesight….”
