Pretty quiet on the home front. On Saturday night, I was watching the Patriots get whipped up on by the lowly Detroit Lions, when Rachel called. Ran out of gas on the way home from work. WTF? When she left work, about 250 feet from her work, is a gas station. I ended up taking the gas can and driving out to the islands to get her the gas to get home. Unbelievable.
This weekend, there was a STUPID crime. Can you imagine, a 20 year old MAN (along with an 18 year old and a 15 year old) pulling a GUN on a 12 and 13 year old and robbing them? What the hell did they expect to get? What they got was cell phones and an i-pod. Unfortunately, the kids got a real good description of the dudes and the police found them right down the street. The 20 year old is gonna do hard time, as he was already on probation. Imagine his cellmate, what you in for? I robbed a 12 year old and I held him up with a gun. Boy oh boy. That guy hopefully, will get a beating.
20 year old gunman James McKenzie |
18 year old James Adams |
They would rob an infant...Take candy from a baby.