Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Wednesday August 31 2011

Pretty dull day here in the hood. On the other hand, there has been something like 10 shootings in Savannah in the 24 hours of Monday to Tuesday. What the hell is wrong with people? One guy shot 3 people because he said they stole his dog. After shooting them, he didn't even take the dog with him. What the hell is that all about?

I'm still pissed about the police not taking Bill's call seriously. He took the time to remember the license plate of the guy stealing wires from 208 W 35th Street and called it in. The frigging dispatcher didn't do crap. Didn't write it up, didn't tell the police. What the hell are we paying her salary for? Bitch should be fired. I know that Tony Lopez is working to get caught up on this but there is a problem here. I sent a letter to the newspaper. Let's see if they want to do something. I also let the reporter know that we never heard from the Juvenile officers about Rachel being punched in the face LAST MONTH. I realize we have other juveniles actually shooting people but still. This was an assault, battery and intimidation. If the girl's family had ANY money, I'd take them to court for the torts. (learned that in my paralegal studies this past month). However, the girl's family can't even afford to fix their A/C. 2 years it has been not working. Nice.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Tuesday August 30 2011

Grrrr. Rachel and THAT car. This morning, she leaves for school early and went to go get gas. After getting gas.... you got it! The beast would not start. I went to meet her at the gas station and after 10 minutes, it started. Then I gave her a note for being late for school. Also, I called the school to let them know.

Monday night

Hiyah, I drink alone
Last night, a hooker was sitting on the steps of the house on the corner at Jefferson and 35th. She was in rough shape, coughing and hacking. Finally, the man in the big white truck (Suburban I think?) came and picked her up. Better take care of that.  Can't get top dollar for sick merchandise.

There's Hiyah at 9 AM. Poor guy is all alone.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Monday August 29 2011

Pretty quiet on the home front. On Saturday night, I was watching the Patriots get whipped up on by the lowly Detroit Lions, when Rachel called. Ran out of gas on the way home from work. WTF? When she left work, about 250 feet from her work, is a gas station. I ended up taking the gas can and driving out to the islands to get her the gas to get home. Unbelievable.

This weekend, there was a STUPID crime. Can you imagine, a 20 year old MAN (along with an 18 year old and a 15 year old) pulling a GUN on a 12 and 13 year old and robbing them? What the hell did they expect to get? What they got was cell phones and an i-pod. Unfortunately, the kids got a real good description of the dudes and the police found them right down the street. The 20 year old is gonna do hard time, as he was already on probation. Imagine his cellmate, what you in for? I robbed a 12 year old and I held him up with a gun. Boy oh boy. That guy hopefully, will get a beating.

20 year old gunman James McKenzie

18 year old James Adams

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Saturday August 27 2011

Remember when you were a kid and your mom dressed you and your brothers/sisters alike? Well, mommy dressed her boys alike this morning. Both are wearing white hats, black pants and red and black (although one has white in it) shirts. How adorable!
I forgot to add to the further adventures of Rachel and her car or Rachel and the first week of school. When she went to leave school, the beastly car would not start. What a pain. Plus, when she went out to the school parking lot after school, some a-hole had written on her back window "Hore" and drew a picture of a penis. I drove to her school and waited with her while we waited for a tow. Just as I was giving the instructions to the towing company, the Beast started! Yeah! Then I went inside the school and reported the vandalism. They have cameras in the parking lot and will pull the video.
At 7 AM, while Bill was walking the dogs, he heard 5 gun shots ring out. Again, no screams, no ambulance, no police, so I guess all is OK in the 'hood.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Friday August 26 2011

Waves on Tybee Island
The waves were pretty big and the surfers were out there. I felt pretty safe on the pier at the beach. There was 2 red flags on the lifeguard stations, meaning not a good idea to be in the water as the lifeguards are not working. Yet, people are still in the water. Nuts!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Thursday August 25 2011 -The further adventures of Rachel & SAA

Wednesday outfit- white shirt with less than 1 inch collar.
This is what Rachel was wearing on Wednesday the 3rd day of school. After day 1 and day 2 of hearing "skirts too short", Rachel was wearing pants. I breathed a sigh of relief. Then, don't you know it, I get a call. This shirt doesn't have a big enough COLLAR! WTF?  This is getting out of hand. I talked to the principal about it. He said certain teachers are being a bit radical.

So, Thursday morning, no phone calls. I'm thinking, hey! this is all right! Then I check my e-mail. Would you believe it? I got a message from Rachel's school saying she missed class and needs to have a note to return to school. I fired off a nasty text to Rachel, asking where the hell she was. Then, I started thinking, HMMMMM. Let's check into this. I called the school. Yes, Rachel was not in class. I said, check again. The woman said to hold on while she contacted the teacher. Oh, my mistake he said. Rachel was here. Damn. The kid could have gotten an ass busting for this... 

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Wednesday August 24 2011

What the hell is on that woman's head?
It's pretty quiet out there for the most part. These people are out here drinking at 8 AM and laughing loudly, but that is about it. I can't understand what the hell that white cheesecloth looking thing is that  woman is wearing on her head. Maybe that's what all the laughter was about. They don't understand it either.

Well, Well. I thought it was all quiet out there.  Bill was walking Chip and saw a man stealing electric wires from a house on 208 W 35th Street.
Bill asked the guy what he was doing. The guy said the wires weren't being used. Well, that makes all the difference in the world! Right.
Bill took down the guys license plate and called Police. The toyota truck was full of wires and stuff the guy had obviously taken from around town. This house is owned by Fannie Mae and is currently pending sale. Being owned by Fannie Mae, sort of means it is owned by all us taxpayers. This means, this scumbag was stealing from all of us.

208 W 35th Street

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Tuesday August 23 2011

2nd day of school

Hiyah and his Old Milwaukee
It was pretty quiet in the 'hood this morning. Just the way we like it. Here is Hiyah, bright and early at 7 AM with his brown bag breakfast.
Here is Rachel on Day 2 of school. This is at 7:20 AM. Hurry Rachel, you don't want to be late!
At 8 AM I got a frantic call from Rachel. The skirt was too short AGAIN. They made her put on a pair of capri pants that were in the office. She was mortified! She asked to come home so she could change. I was ...... miffed (to say the least). This skirt, she informed me, is the LONGEST one she bought. What the hell? When she tried on these skirts, I told her some looked a little short but she was also barefoot. Wearing 3 inch heels sort of accentuates the fact that the skirt is short. Now we  need to go back to the mall and return some skirts for items that are school appropriate.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Monday August 22 2011

Rachel's first day back to school  at Savannah Arts Academy (SAA). She's a Junior now. She has 360 days left of high school- 180 as a junior and 180 as a senior.  She got up when I woke her up at 6:20 AM!  She left the house promptly at 7 AM!  School starts at 7:30 AM!  It is 1 and a 1/2 miles from my house! And, and, .......She was LATE! How? Well, she decided to meet her friends at Starbucks on Victory Drive. It is about a 1/2 mile from there to her school. But, while there, a girl that is a Senior from SAA, backed into Rachel's car. Just what she needed. The front bumper cover is already in poor shape. She said there was no real damage and they all left to go to school. I still want to look at it.

Then, I was in my class at 10 AM and I get a call from her school. Not only was Rachel late, but her brand new skirt is too short, I was told. She will  not be allowed to wear it to school again. My money, wasted again.On the PLUS side, at least her car started this morning.
She is supposed to send me a picture of herself with the car for the scrapbook (and blog). We will see if this materializes.

Worth noting, yesterday morning Bill told me there had been gunshots early Sunday AM. Obviously no one was hurt. Around 2 AM, he heard several rounds of small arms firing.(like a small pistol) That was immediately followed by a couple of loud shots (as in return fire). Then, all was quiet. No squealing tires, no screams, no police, no ambulance. Obviously people working out their differences and thankfully no innocent bystanders were injured.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Sunday August 21 2011

All alone on a Sunday
At 8:30 AM, no liquor stores open because it is Sunday, so Hiyah sits all alone. How sad. :-(((
Yesterday, I gave Rachel a list of things TO DO. 1. Empty the trash she was supposed to empty on Wednesday AND put it outside. 2. Empty the Parker's soda cup that has been sitting on the table for the better part of a week. Throw empty cup in the trash. 3. Pick up the seat covers for her car that I washed and put them in her car. (I don't care if she puts them on the seats, just get them out of my hall.) 4. Bring her blanket and clean laundry that I washed, up to her room.
She waited until it was almost time for her to go to work to do the stuff on the list. She emptied the trashes, but could not manage to get the bag outside. Since there had been garbage in her room, the trash bag stunk. Bill ended up taking it outside. What the hell is she going to do when she is on her own? Life is going to be very hard for Rachel.

I told her, she has 360 days left of high school. 180 days as a junior and 180 as a senior. It will go by quickly and she will have not learned anything about life.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Friday August 19 2011

Hiyah working!

Rachel's Room before
Yesterday I had it with the hell hole AKA Rachel's room. I tossed everything on the floor including trash and garbage from subway onto her comforter and threw the whole mess outside. I made her go outside and sift through it.

On Wednesday, another MORON of the week. Some kid was up town in the historic district on Broughton Street. He was showing off his marijuana. One person he showed was Detective Harley. The head of the Narcotics Squad. Hmmm. That seems not too bright. He was promptly arrested.

Well, lookee here! It's Hiyah emptying the trash from in front of the store. Boy, I'll bet he broke a sweat on that one.

Rachel's Room somewhat picked up.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Wednesday August 17 2011

Bad day for this dude

Driver tossed 2 beers after stop
Well, it was a quiet day in the 'hood. I had just finished up some homework when I heard a big bang! Car accident. I grabbed my phone(camera) in time to see this big Ford SUV in the middle of the intersection. The driver was trying to get control of the vehicle. He got it onto 35th Street (from Montgomery) and as soon as he stopped, he opened the window and tossed 2 beers on the ground! What an a-hole! Then, the girl got out of the vehicle and picked up the cans. I told her not to worry, I already had a picture...
Then, I called 9-1-1.... For those keeping score, Beer and driving don't mix.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Tuesday August 16 2011

This is RAGER not Roger

 What a frigging mess this is. I looked down the alley and saw some A-hole has been busy. This was not there yesterday. What I thought said Roger on when I saw it on the garage on Sunday, turns out to be RAGER. Then there is the Pac Man. The guy that owns that yellow building is going to be VERY angry. He just had paid to have that new siding put on the building and painted. This is just rude. What took some guy probably 15 minutes and $5 worth of paint, will cost the man probably $100 to have someone prime it and repaint his siding.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Sunday August 14 2011

Graffiti in alley

Flooding on 35th
Well,someone is putting their tag all over the alley in the 200 block of W 35th Street. On this garage is Roger with a circle around the R. On several trash cans have the letter R with a circle around it in paint. Hmm. Maybe the police should look for someone named Roger. This could be the work of a gang member but could just as likely be some SCAD student.... We had some heavy rain this afternoon again. The street is flooding. This has almost never happened in the 4 years we have lived here. I think the scumbags have filled up the sewers with cans, bottles, and styrofoam containers so they don't drain....Rachel didn't get up on Friday to get her car fixed. Last night I had to drive her to work and pick her up, too. This afternoon, her car wouldn't start again. I took her to the store (Plato's Closet). Later when we returned, her car started. That was good for me because I didn't feel like driving her to work again. She better get up tomorrow AM and get that beast into the shop. School starts next Monday (the 22nd) and she needs dependable transportation. I am not going to be able to drive her to school when I get a J-O-B!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Saturday August 13 2011 (Bill's Birthday)

WTF? You call this parking?
Well, Friday night and it was crack and crabs night. I guess this one had his crack early because he parked like that for at least a half hour. I can't understand why he didn't get a ticket. When I was leaving 35th Street, it was very difficult to pull out into traffic with this knucklehead parked on the corner like that.
What the hell did she do now?
Ah, the Rachel car. What can I say? She said the bumper was scraping against the tire. I'll say. The whole front bumper cover is loosened and both plastic inner fenders are scratching the tires. She won't admit to having done anything. I still can't get her to get out of bed to put the car in the shop on a day when Dave is open. This car is just falling apart.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Friday August 12 2011

It's Hiyah!
He's Baaaaaack...OK, this is just too weird. Hiyah is wearing the same clothes the drug dealing dude was wearing yesterday.  He is wearing the red and black shirt and black pants. May be this is the Brotherhood of the Traveling Pants... ;-)).... Anyways, this is 7:45 AM and Hiyah is out there drinking his Old Milwaukee in a bag. He is so brazen about it. Standing there on the corner with his drug dealing buddies.   Last night at 11 PM, the police were at the BP station on Montgomery and 34th. It was nice to see the pretty blue lights flashing in the night! Good work guys!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Thursday August 11 2011

Wednesday night 11 PM

Thursday 8 AM
It has been quite quiet of late. At 11 PM, no one was around. Then a Cadillac pulled up across the street, and a passenger got out with a walker. The driver went in between the house and Dirty South to "relieve himself." Other than that, it was pretty quiet. Don't know who the old dude with the walker is.
 On Thursday AM, bright and early the guy in the red and black shirt is out there. A couple of 2 minute friends stop to say hello. That's about it. By 9:30 AM, he too, is gone.  Looks like it is going to be quiet out there. I may have to start looking over to the BP station on Montgomery to see anything. Like at 8 this morning as I was leaving for coffee, a rough looking ho' was walking across 35th at Montgomery. Then she felt the need to bend over and show her large ASSets (it was covered, but the white spandex doesn't leave ANYTHING to the imagination) to the street. When I returned, she was on Jefferson at 33rd. She was looking a little worse for wear.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Monday August 8 2011

100+ degrees and still hanging out.
It is 100+ degrees and still they hang out. These people are true professionals. I took the dogs for a walk for 10 minutes, and me AND the dogs were dying to get back into the air conditioning. But these people can hang and drink.  One of the them, is the dude that we call the " I love you, dude". This guy is so drunk. He sits there on the stoop and yells out at about any female, "I love you." As Malcolm's  wife was walking by, he yelled out "I love you. I've loved you for years." I'm sure Malcolm would be amused...

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Saturday August 6 2011

This is what an Idiot looks like.
Dumb Crook News
Ever wonder what an idiot looks like? They can look just like anybody you see on the street. This one looks like a regular guy. But, he is an Idiot. On July 26, Mr. Diroff, called a Pooler Police Officer's private cell phone looking for Xanax or crack. The officer thought it was joke.
10 minutes later, he called the officer back. He haggled over the price of the Xanax. 2 days later, he "arranges" to buy the Xanax at the Lowe's in Pooler. Mr. Diroff (Idiot) was met by the Sav/Chatham Narcotics team.... Hello! The funny thing is, the Narcotics team leader says this isn't the first time this has happened. Man, criminals are dumb.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Friday August 5 2011

Rug before

Rug after

Filth in that one little rug
Today is something different. I have one of those nice vacuums with the cyclonic action that seems to do a decent job picking up dog hair and dirt from the rugs and floor. (Granted, it is NOT a Dyson. Who the hell can afford $650 for a vacuum? And speaking of Dyson, can't that dude afford some decent teeth? $650+ for his vacuums, and that is at WALMART... Dude, really, do something.)
Anyway, I digress. What I am getting at is this. Bill's carpet cleaner died like 6 months or so ago. We don't have a lot of carpet so it didn't seem like a big deal. I went out yesterday and bought a decent carpet cleaner for $250. I cleaned all the rugs downstairs. The filth was unbelievable. Then, today, I looked at the one in the dining room and decided it needed cleaning again. I mean, really. Can you see the difference? This little runner is only 2 feet by 7 feet. Yet look at the crud I got out.  This is crazy. Looks like I'll be cleaning for days and days.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Thursday August 4 2011

Empty street. What is going on?
At 7:30 this morning, the street was deserted. Even the BP station had hardly anyone there. I didn't see hide nor hair of Hiyah, either.
One thing you will notice is that Rachel's car is here... But what isn't obvious, is that Rachel is not home. Seems the money pit (i.e. Rachel's car) is still being difficult to start. It needs the ignition switch, which is the part after the ignition cylinder. And Rachel can't get her butt up early enough in the morning to drop it off at the mechanic's. So, she got a ride to Jill's house and stayed overnight. And one more thing, she's got no gas money. The 6 cylinder money pit sucks down the gas. Good thing she is working tonight. Although she only works 2 nights a week. She is  buying a couple of packs of cigarettes a week and some pot, because as she stated, "she only likes the good stuff and it is expensive." Wow! She needs to find a better job to support her car and her vices.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Wednesday August 2 2011

Last night while walking the dogs at 11:15 PM, I saw an Executive Cab driving up and down 35th and 34th Streets. He was only going about 10 mph. I can't imagine he was going to pick up too many fares at this hour in this "limited" area. Isn't it illegal for cabs to cruise for fares? I don't know, but it was creepy.
Then there is the matter of Rachel getting punched in the face. The Police took the report and said the Juvenile Officer would be in touch that week. Well, it has been more than 2 weeks. What the hell is going on? Maybe the girl that punched Rachel has some family political connections? Maybe the police never filed the report? Not happy.

I don't get the bike.
This house was scraped months ago and I don't know why it is not being painted.  Look at this bike. I just don't get it. Why are the forks so extended? This is not a child riding it. The bike rider is like 30+ years old...

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Tuesday August 2 2011

Old Milwaukee for breakfast
We got our electricity back just after 10:30 PM. I felt like I was in Victorian times sitting at the table with a candle doing my homework. Except that I had a laptop for my research.... Anyways, it's Tuesday and everything is back to normal. At 7:30 AM, Hiyah and a friend are on the porch having the first of many Old Milwaukee's. Life is good!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Monday August 1 2011

Georgia Power Truck
It was pretty quiet for the most part today. While watching Wheel of Fortune, the TV suddenly went out. Please don't mess with my Wheel of Fortune! After a couple of minutes, it came back on but with no sound. What the hell? Have you ever watched Wheel without sound? It just doesn't work. We thought it was cable, but then we realized, it was something more. The A/C wasn't running, the lights were dim, and the sound was not returning to the TV. Bill called Georgia Power. They were not aware of a brown out in our area. GP sent out a truck. The man said no one else had called. Well, Bill talked to the neighbors and they don't have full power either, but they leave it to us to make the call. So, it is 8:30. I totally missed Jeopardy. There is no way to watch Jeopardy without sound. I guess I'll do my homework. Now that I have a laptop, I can still do my homework even when the power is out or partially out. Whoppee!
They say it is always darkest before the dawn. Well let's hope so. We now have NO electricity. I am using candles and my internet access is on the Surf Savannah network- which is only free for 1 hour a day. So... yes I am still working on my homework.