2007 VW EOS |
Well, it hasn't been a great year for Rachel for cars. The 2003 Accord was stolen while she was asleep. then it was totaled. And, it was taken by a friend. I know he didn't mean to wreck it, but that didn't make it any better.
So, we took the payout and went to the Honda dealer and got the Volvo. Cash deal. $5000. All the payoff plus $1000+ from our tax refunds. She went to school and the beast didn't even make it back home 5 days later.
Back to the dealer. They took the Volvo back, gave us full credit and she got the 2011 Mazda 3. Sweet. Just 2 weeks after making the first payment, she wrecks it. Seriously? I still don't see it. The insurance company screwed us over on that one. As soon as they heard that the air bag went off, they totaled it. I'm still pissed about it.
Now, we have spent weeks looking for another car. Finally she settled on this. it is a 2007 VW EOS. It is a hard top convertible. I'm crossing my fingers on this one. It is cute. But, black with black leather interior? In Savannah? Oh boy. I told her to be sure to keep a towel on the seats or she will burn her butt on that one.