Sunday, July 21, 2013

Sunday July 21 what happened?

Found out what happened from the guy (Neil) that lives in the brick house at the intersection where that accident occurred. A cop ran the red light- NO lights, NO siren. Forced a civilian who had the right-of-way into the pole. THAT didn't make the news!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

A little this and that

New shower curtain
Went to BBB this morning to pick up a couple of things. Bill and I went there on Sunday so he could buy a new pillow for himself. While there, he saw something called a BackJoy Relief seat. He said it would be great for the kayak. I told him, hold off and I'll pick it up later for his birthday next month. So I went this morning without him to pick it up and STICKER shock! It was $39.99!
I picked up a couple of bath towels, face cloths and hand towels for Rachel for school in a nice teal blue. I happened to see a Tervis tumbler with Georgia Southern Eagles emblazoned on the side and just HAD to get it, too. Then, I figured it was time to update the downstairs bathroom shower curtain. It still has a Paris feel, but no more of the frilly stuff. Bill will be thrilled, I'm sure. Finally to wrap it all up, a coupon came in the mail for 20% of entire purchase at BBB so, while I saved $25, I will NOT say how much I spent;-)
Go Georgia Southern Eagles

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Another day

Notice something about the pole
Over the weekend, we had some horrendous rain storms. I'm not sure if that is what lead up to this, but if it didn't then it was likely some fool running a red light. Anyway, that pole was hit HARD and the lines were hanging low. Also, the hydrant was knocked a-kilter. I asked the lady that runs the convenience store at that intersection if she knew what had happened but she didn't. She hadn't even noticed the leaning pole, the orange flags or even the crews out there...
Met a nice couple and their dog from Michigan this morning at Starbucks. They were thinking about moving here. I told them, it may be a nice place to visit, but there are NO jobs. The husband noticed my Patriot's coffee mug. Said he was a fan of Tom Brady (Brady attended college in Michigan). Funny how little things can start a conversation.
The truck is NOT touching the pole. It is close to it.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013


Well, I hope everyone has an uneventful Fourth of July.  As for us, we stayed home.  The fools at the BP station, were blowing off fireworks. Yes, that is correct. At the GAS station, the knuckleheads light off fireworks. We keep an eye on things, like our roof, Bill's truck in the back yard. 
Then, there was the gunfire... Yup, they are crazy out there. You could hear pistols and what sounded like automatic weapons, too. Amazingly we did not hear about anyone being injured. Sometimes God protects fools.
Tonight, just before Bill walked out for the 8 pm walk with Chip, we heard gunfire real close to our house. A few minutes later as Bill and Chip were walking across Barnard, a policewoman stopped and asked Bill if he had heard gunfire. He said, yup, over by Dirty South Records. You would think the police could pull this stuff up on the video camera at the intersection. This just shows that no one really looks at those cameras. Why spend our tax dollars on cameras if they aren't even going to use them?