Man, you can't turn on the news or pick up the paper without hearing about crime in this town. They have finally released the name of the 18 year old (Amber) found burnt in the car uptown. This is so sad. Rachel is clearly disturbed by this development. We will wait to talk about it when we know more of the details.
There is something seriously wrong with people today. The 19 year old debutante who was killed uptown back in 2005 was murdered by 3 black men out to get some easy money for drugs. The unrepentant shooter said "Bitch shouldn't have bucked" when he demanded her purse and she didn't turn it over immediately. What is wrong with him? His own uncle turned him in, but that's a different generation. Too many young people want instant gratification and are demanding that everyone else give them what they want NOW.
We don't yet know why Amber was in this burning car. It is unlikely she "accidentally" set the car on fire herself and died in it.
We still don't know why the 2 young people were killed about a 1/2 mile from my house. They were practically feet from the young woman's apartment and should have been safe. Why were these 2 killed before their time? It is so tragic these law-abiding, good people were murdered.
The answers can't come soon enough for the families so they can begin to heal. For us, it is too late. The bloom is off the rose (Savannah). Mentally, we are out of this place. As soon as possible, we are selling the house and getting the hell out of Dodge. This place is becoming like the OK corral. And we know how that ended...